I'm pleased to announce that the Haus of Topper Feather Charmers were shot in the Summer issue of The Atlas Magazine (@theatlasmagazine) styled by Jess Mederos (@jess_mederos) and photographed by Kenneth Sterling Gronquist (@kennethsterling).

Publication: The Atlas Magazine
Story: Social Responsibility in the Modeling Industry
Issue: Summer
Brands: Haus of Topper (pg. 143)
Link to Shoot: https://issuu.com/ theatlasmagazine/docs/revival
About: "An inspirational digital magazine geared at the promotion of the next generation of fashion creatives. Founded by Megan Breukelman and Olivia Bossert, Atlas is a collective of imagery from around the globe. The magazine previously reached international print distribution, and currently thrives in digital content.
Prepare for our digital edition re-launch, coming Summer 2017..