We continue our series of "It Takes an Army" with Jason. Jason was on set, as he always is, to add his flair and assist with the styling, mood and direction of the shoot. He gets the brand, he is the brand. He;s been there from the beginning and continues to help guide and build the brand along side Topper. Check out below read a bit more into the creative genius.
Jason Zwickl
Stylist, Art Director
HoT: What inspires you?
JZ: Not to sound cliche, but everything does. I find myself pulling ideas from architecture, nature, even food (a chopped kale salad has an amazing visual texture!) I try to find it everywhere!
HoT: What do you do and what do you love about what you do?
JZ: I work as a Sr. Technical Designer. I love the building and sharpening of a design.
HoT: What is your favorite piece from the Paradise collection and why?
JZ: I have to say I'm partial to the White Rose. The stones in it are beautiful and the coloring & size make it a fantastic piece for stacking.
HoT: What's your favorite brunch spot in the New York City area (nyc, Brooklyn, queens, etc)
JZ: Ooo! This one is a toughy. Well, if I'm in Brooklyn, I do love Verde on Smith (the kobe burger is AMAZING.) If I venture over the bridge, I like to hit up HK Lounge for people watching and friendly crew.
HoT: For a real vacation, there is no place like? and why?
JZ: I can only really base on experience, but I would love to tour Austria again. I was there many years ago and I am still inspired by the centuries old architecture mix in with modern day environments.
HoT: Its NYC, everyone has something they do on the side that they are passionate about---- whether a hobby, art, etc etc. What is that for you?
JZ: Before the fashion bug bit me, I was into music. And it's something I'd like to venture back into.
HoT: What would your dream project be?
JZ: Well, that's a secret! hehehe. Gotta wait and see!
HoT: If you could live in another era of Fashion, what would it be
JZ: For me, definitely Edwardian. All the accessories!
HoT: Explain your style in 3 words
JZ: Unpredictable. Classic. Moody.
Check him out on Instagram (@JZ11216) and follow to see all the crazy things he gets into and helps to build with us.
Love this! Great read!